I bought a Gear4Music guitar last year for use as a mod-ing platform. It's a
Seattle which I picked because I really, really like the colour scheme, also dug the fact that it's not just another Strat copy (well it
is, but it's housed in a Jaguar/Jazzmaster shape body).
I've got to say that straight out of the box, it was a bit of a dog. Terrible gauge 9 factory strings, rubbish tuners and a trem system that only served to put the thing irretrievably out of tune.
However, it's got a really nice neck, also the "paulownia" body means that it's very light.
So, in short what I've done is -
- replace the pickups with a set of Artec P18 "lipsticks" - now looks miles cooler and sounds much more distinctive than the generic strat copy pickups it came with.
- replace the machine heads with a set of Fender logo stamped ones, nothing pricey, got them on ebay probably from a Mexican or Far East guitar.
- replace the control knobs, also the pickup selector and tremolo knobs. Purely on aesthetic grounds.
- replace the neck/body heel plate, again purely aesthetic, the Gear4Music logo is SO ugly!
- custom headstock logo, because . . . . why not.
- graphene top nut, helps smooth out the tremolo.
- new tremolo bridge block- the one it came supplied with had only three holes for trem springs; I like 5 springs on my trems, I deck the things so that the trem only lowers notes, none of this "floating trem" malarkey, I can't cope with that. 5 springs also helps the tuning stability.
- most importantly, a set of gauge 11 strings, these cheap guitars will never sound good with anything lighter.
What has this left me with? A guitar that has a certain surf/punk trashy appeal that actually now plays really well, jangles most convincingly and is pretty much my number one gigging guitar at the moment.
It's the first guitar I've ever tried to "mod" up but despite what I've done it's still basically a Gear4Music cheapo guitar.
I like it.
So, that's a yes from me but with reservations.
All of the above work experience was invaluable when it came to mod-ing up my Harley Benton MS60 (which was the guitar I wanted in the 1st place, just took a while for a cheap one to turn up on ebay).